Moments of inspiration

A tree in a storm

The objective of Art is to carry out what is hidden, to bring the abstract to the tangible.
Prof Beno Gross 


Art is a deep penetration into reality: the inner reality of man – his consciousness – and  his outer reality: to see the “infinite” within the “finite”. 
Prof Beno Gross (z”l)

Last Portrait

Art is to discover the
Divine Spark in the most
material things.
This brings one closer
to holiness. It is to
discover “new faces” in
Prof Beno Gross (z”l)

blue ocean

There is Faith in Art. Prof Beno Gross (z”l)

Moments of Creation

Moments of Surprise

The lion

Art has the power to bring out in us the good that has been hidden inside of us
(Rav Michi Yosefi)

Funny Memories

Art is closer to medicine than aesthetics – said a wise Chinese man thousands of years ago.
(Sasha Okun)